Are you looking for a job? Professional social networks can be a great ally in the search, but it is not enough to have only an updated profile, it has to add value. Something that recruiters are increasingly paying attention to is the recommendations that accompany the profile, written by colleagues or professionals in the sector who recognize our work.
We have formed some tips for you to take into account when making the recommendations so that your profile is more present for those responsible for human resources. So keep in mind:

1. WHAT: The recommendations are a testimony made by a person endorsing their abilities as a professional.

2. WHY: A good recommendation attesting to your qualities as a professional can be decisive for a coach.

3. TO WHOM:Choose a person who believes in their professional profile and make a real and positive assessment of their skills and character as a worker.

4. WHEN: The traditional thing has always been to go for a referral or recommendation when a potential employer requests it. Therefore, they can be ordered at any time, but it is advisable to do so in advance to have them on hand in case a coach requests them.

5. WHERE:There are three main channels for requesting a recommendation: the phone, email, or a professional social network. You should bear in mind that when requesting them by phone or email, the people who are asked to dedicate more time and energy, instead by professional social networks they make the recommendation always visible.

6. HOW:There are a number of rules of action and etiquette when asking for a recommendation:

  • Never contact a person as a reference without asking and warning that person.
  • If a person rejects his request, you should not take it negatively, but you must understand that perhaps he was not the right person.

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