Looking for a new job? These tips will help you achieve this.

The time before a job interview is not at all pleasant. A mix between anxiety and emotion that is more like what it feels like after having an accident and less similar to what it feels like after having a child.

However, all is not lost. In two years I went through more than 30 interviews, and I’m still alive. So I thought it was a good idea to analyze and share some tips on the subject.

1. Arrive earlier than expected:

It is always better to wait to be expected, and also that speaks highly of you professionally.

2. Dress according to the company:

Everyone will tell you to always wear a suit (if you’re a man), but there are special places – like advertising agencies and some media where dressing so formally can backfire.

3. Have a CV and jobs:

sometimes one can believe that since they have already sent it by email, or because they have already filled out a form, taking them in print is not necessary. But it is. In addition, a portfolio or portfolio of works (accounting, artistic or otherwise as long as they do not handle confidential information) never hurts.

4. Ask everything:

In general, there is no open talk about real salaries, entry dates, or second interviews. For some strange reason, we wait for the interviewer to tell us, but many times that does not happen. It is always necessary to ask about future interviews in the process, time to formally enter and get papers, if it will be for fees or payroll and any other questions. It is not seen as ignorance, but as interest.

5. Don’t leave exams and tests until later:

what you can advance of psychometrics, knowledge and others, do them as soon as possible. In the worst case, if you do not stay, it is very likely that in other companies they have exactly the same exam model, so you can take it as training.

6. Try to talk about another topic:

it is always good to be liked. You are not going to be the best friend of your interviewer, but even if you do not stay in that job you will have a new contact.

7. Human resources vs. your next likely boss:

Many interviews I have had have been with agencies or with the HR area. However, the most productive, and those that have had more weight have been with my next probable bosses. One really must make clear what he hopes and what he will bring.

8. Don’t lie:

It sounds very obvious, but it is not. We tend to “fit in” or adapt to what they expect in a job from us. So if they talk about such a program, process skill that is required for the position, we tend to say that we can, although in reality we are half in that knowledge. Although it can work to get a job, in the long run it can be counterproductive by not liking what we do or getting tangled up in things we don’t master. And remember that you will be doing that for at least eight hours a day.

9. Calm down:

generally, the company selection process is relatively fair. If you are the right one, you will get the job. If not, remember that there is no ideal job for anyone and it is a good opportunity to see other fields.

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