This quarantine is changing the personnel selection criteria, since companies are the ones who now see the added values ​​of their workers where they have integrity and management capacity within a confined environment.

The technical competences that are continuously requested, such as mastery of another language, experience in the sector and level of training, etc. However, the skills developed and learning acquired by the candidate during confinement become relevant.

Some recommendations to keep in mind:

Time investment:

It is important to mention what is being done in this period of confinement and how they are carrying it out, it will condition the decision of the employers. Companies that are in recruitment have a preference for profiles trained to face the new digital scenario.

Adaptation to the Crisis:

The capacity for innovation in a hostile environment like the one we are experiencing. Describe how you have approached working remotely, if you have had the option to do so.

Autonomy in the face of the situation:

In this period, there are fewer resources than usual and we live within a framework of uncertainty. Recruiters know this and that is why they are interested in how the candidate is leading the situation, the alternatives he has adopted and the lessons he is obtaining from this crisis.

It is important that, in front of a job interview, the candidate shows the capabilities that companies value, to hire their employees, within this new paradigm.

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